The Value of a Book

As I sat in the library a few years ago I suddenly realized what a wealth of information stood around me on the old mahogany shelves. Ah, books! I was doing a literature review for a case I was to present. We probably will never tell the true value of a book – a piece of history that captures and preserves sights and sounds of societies long gone, and standards that could be the antidote for today’s moral tastelessness.  If this is true, shouldn’t we value one writer who pens his thoughts, perhaps divinely guided to provide sustenance to later generations threatened by corruption? Even though The Final Judgment will reveal the kind of work we do, the very life we live remains a true reflection of the choices we have learnt to make.

This need not be another difficult concept for you to grasp, my fellow reader. Books are the eternal pulpits from which ancient writers speak in an ageless forum. Although quite dead in the physical sense, their literary works are very much alive. It is as if their writings hold their spirits in suspended animation for us to glean great truths that help us find the true meaning of life. So then, it is also true that the works of a man long dead could lend true life to a man yet living. Unfortunately, the living man isn’t really living for he continues to exist on the peripheries of true greatness. He resides on the margins of what he could be, only too willing to die under the crushing weight of bankruptcy, desperation and chronic mental poverty. Yes, for lack of knowledge people perish.

As you read the biographies of William Tyndale, Dietrich Bonhoeffer or Dr. Martin Luther King Junior you experience the passion, energy and commitment which propelled such men through purpose in addressing the challenges of their times.  Ah! And what are comedians doing in the pulpit?  Look at it this way: dreamers who act risk both life and limb for a principle and make our societies better. Actors, on the other hand, are dreamers who merely capture entertaining events for the silver screens of Hollywood. How I wish our leaders would emulate valiant heroes of old, and live for principles that build great men and great societies. Who will tell our children about real heroes?

Purpose to start reading today, especially the kind of books that have practical remedies for today’s social sicknesses. Your strength is in your diet. You must become a strategic thinker who understands, anticipates and prepares for the dramatic events leading up to rapturo. If a book is as good as the one who writes it, start with the one commonly called Biblos.

While men, like seasons, will come and go the Almighty God continues the great work He began a long time ago. You are next in line to receive the mantle of His assignment for your life.

And yes, it is all written in the Book.

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